20 Small Parenting Milestones That Are Kind of a Big Deal
We spend a lot of time gushing over our children's "firsts," no matter how big or small, but sometimes even the most mundane parenthood tasks are worth making a big deal over! From learning how to parent your newborn baby to figuring out how your toddler operates, here are a few parenting firsts that might seem like small potatoes — but are kind of a big deal — that even seasoned moms and dads will appreciate.
- First time you bathe your baby all by yourself. - First time your baby is crying and you know exactly why. - First time you use the Wrap.
- First time you take a walk with your baby.
- First time you change a diaper in public (especially if it's a blowout).
- First time you spend the entire day alone with your baby.
- First time you spend the entire night alone with your baby.
- First playdate.
- First time you cut your baby's nails (without using your teeth).
- First time you take the baby out to dinner.
- First time you call the pediatrician in the middle of the night.
- First time you take your tot to church.
- First time you take your baby on an airplane.
- First time you put your tot in time-out.
- First time your child vomits (and it's not just a little spit-up).
- First time you have to discipline your child in public.
- First time you leave the house with your child wearing underwear.
- First time you send your picky eater away from the table without eating anything.
- First time you take your kiddo to the park.
- First time you don't use a monitor while your child sleeps.
Oh yes, some of those are still very fresh in my mind as my little one just turned a year! I remember how strange it felt to be home with her by myself for an entire day, and what it was like to bathe her by myself for the first time (it took my husband way longer to do either of those!) Sweet list, thanks for sharing. Stopping by from Mommy Monday Blog hop!
Oh yes, some of those are still very fresh in my mind as my little one just turned a year! I remember how strange it felt to be home with her by myself for an entire day, and what it was like to bathe her by myself for the first time (it took my husband way longer to do either of those!) Sweet list, thanks for sharing. Stopping by from Mommy Monday Blog hop!